The cuisine incorporates a whole lot of vegetables, sauces, dips as well as a variety of meats and seafood.It has been 23 years of working as a chef for the brand across various countries in their Thai kitchens. But authentic Thai food is hard to come by, which is where Head Chef Supattra, manning the kitchen at Thai restaurant, Thai Soul, Grand Hyatt, Kochi, scores for its authenticity. Walk into the restaurant at 8.. The sticky rice is a favourite, which is best eaten with chopsticks.Blanch the egg noodles and deep fry."So what is the allure of Thai dishes? "We cannot cook without fish sauce and palm sugar.Garnish with coriander leaves and sliced red chilli.Place the noodles in the serving dish and pour the curry over the noodle. Thai food is not only tasty but is also focused on the aromatic aspects of cooking. She loves to cook even on her off days and never gets tired of donning the apron.Serve with lettuce pickle, lime segment, dry chili on side, and chilli paste in oil. Simmer for a few minutes.Continue to simmer until the chicken is cooked for about 20 minutes.A native of North-eastern Thailand, she says, "My father was the cook at a restaurant and I was the only one of my siblings who did not go to school.Fry Sea Bass fish in the wok.Put sauce on top of the fried fish. So the thought does come to mind of how Supattra sources her ingredients,
big fish tanks for sale some of which come from Thailand. Take out from the oil and keep aside.Make warm tamarind sauce and put tamarind sauce on top of the prawn. I picked up the basics and when people expressed their happiness after having the food I made, that brought me happiness